What is Your Way? 體驗活動

24.05.2019(五) 16.06.2019(日)
24.05.2019(五) 16.06.2019(日)

“How do you form your toilet paper pad? Do you fold neatly, layer naturally, scrunch a big bouquet or wind around the fingers? Are there standards as to how a toilet paper pad is formed? Did you learn this in school? Did your parents teach the ‘correct method? Do the most intimate of lovers know what each other’s toilet paper pad looks like?”

Book B 很高興能邀請Science of the Secondary首度來港,舉辦一場講座及兩個特別體驗:關於杯子的 Café CUP 和 關於廁紙的 What is Your Way?

一個關於廁紙的體驗活動——What is Your Way? 詢問了每人每日都要面對,然而卻非常私密的問題:我們如廁的時候,是如何把廁紙撕下,並在指間捲起來的?這個活動讓參與者重新「發現」自己使用廁紙的方式,並與其他人分享。


日期及時間: 5月24日至6月16日 | 12:00 – 19:00

地點: Book B, 南豐紗廠

費用: 免費


報名網址: https://www.popticket.hk/event/what-is-your-way