E-coupons can only be used with a purchase designated amount or above
Only Valid at Below Participating Designated Outlets at The Mills

商舖名稱 Shop Name | 商舖電話 Shop Phone Number | 商舖位置 Shop Location | 備註 Remark |
CHAT Shop | 3979 2350 | G01A | |
EONIQ | 3755 4898 | G02-03 | |
FM+ | 9163 9710 | G04 | |
THE COMMON GROUND | 2556 0828 | G05-07 | |
Monoyono | 2668 2299 | G11 | |
The Store in Time織刻生活店 | 9830 3515 | G16 | |
The Ducksman & Hidden Gem | 2369 9788 | 101 | |
B’IN Select | 5977 1668 | 104 | |
Absolute Vintage Eyewear | 104A | ||
Pimary | 2408 8938 | 105-106 | |
b/major | 2668 2199 | 107 | |
Fabrica X | 3979 2337 | 108 | |
The Uniek | 111 | ||
No Brand No Name | 3572 0982 | 112 | |
IAMMAMA | 112A | ||
Aromatic Factory | 9163 9710 | 113 | |
黃蝦女家庭桌上遊戲專門店 Ha! Family On Board | 3158 0674 | 114A | |
Petisan | 115 | ||
Green Ladies & Green Little | 3572 0269 | 116 | 不適用於特別寄賣貨 Not applicable to special consignment products |
Smiling Cone | 6097 3326 | 121 | |
Mille Feuile Fashion Select Store | 2388 6905 | 124 -125 | |
Concept To Go | 5509 8226 | 126-127 | |
The Big Things Playground | 6292 1808 | 205-7 | |
Tankyu Distillery 丹丘蒸留所 | 3460 2239 | 301 | |
Mille-Feuille Art Gallery | 302 | ||
Harrison Wong | 3426 2268 | 305 |
- 南豐紗廠港幣$100元電子優惠券 (購物)條款及細則:
- 此電子優惠券有效使用期至2023年6月30日,逾期作廢。
- 此電子優惠券只適用於列於NF Touch應用程式內之指定參與商戶 (「指定參與商戶」)。
- 於南豐紗廠參與之指定商戶消費每滿 HK$300,即可使用「港幣$100元電子優惠券 (購物)」一張;消費滿 HK$600,可使用 「港幣$100元電子優惠券 (購物)」兩張,如此類推;每項交易最多可使用 10 張「港幣$100元電子優惠券 (購物)」。
- 此電子優惠券只可使用一次。如欲使用此電子優惠券,請於有效期內前往指定參與商戶,並於進行相關交易前提交此電子優惠券,逾期無效;此電子優惠券會於使用後或逾期後自動作廢,列印本或截圖圖片恕不接受。
- 此電子優惠券不得更改、轉讓、退款、更換、兌換現金、補領或轉售。
- 使用此電子優惠券支付的金額將合資格賺取 NF Point。
- 此電子優惠券可與指定參與商戶、Nan Fung Loyalty Program Limited及/或其集團公司(「南豐」)提供之其他推廣/優惠同時使用於所有其他折扣使用後之金額扣減。
- 此電子優惠劵不能用於購買商戶之購物禮劵或類似物品。
- 此電子優惠券只適用於指定參與商户使用並受商戶所訂立之任何其他條款及細則、NF Touch南豐會員計劃條款及細則(於「設定」內查看)及南豐所訂立之其他 適用條款及細則約束。
- 使用此電子優惠券購買的商品/食品/服務一概由指定參與商戶負責。南豐不會為指定參與商戶提供的商品/食品/服務作任何保證或承諾,更不須承擔任何責任。會員明白使用此電子優惠券向指定參與商戶購買任何商品/食品/服務仍屬會員與有關指定參與商戶之間的交易,與南豐並無合約關係。 如對指定參與商戶提供的商品/食品/服務有任何查詢、意見、投訴或爭議,請直接聯絡相關指定參與商戶。
- 南豐對任何電子優惠券有絕對處置權,行使時無須給予任何事先通知或補償。
- 南豐保留權力以觸犯法律或適用條款及細則中之任何條款或其他理由取消該會員的電子優惠券。
- 如有任何爭議,南豐保留最終決定權。
- 本條款及細則的中文及英文版本若有任何差異,一概以英文本為準。
- 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區的法律規管,並按照香港特別行政區的法律詮釋。
Terms and Conditions of the Shopping e-coupon:
1. This e-Coupon is valid for use till Juen 30, 2023. Expired, coupons areinvalid and will not be entertained.
2. This e-Coupon is only applicable for use at the designated participating merchants listed in the NF Touch App (“Designated Participating Merchants”).
3. One“HK$100 e-coupon (Shopping)n”can be used upon every spending of HK$300 at the designated participating merchants at The Mills, two“HK$100 e-coupon (Shopping)” upon every spending ofHK$600, and so on. Maximum 10pcs of“HK$100 e-coupon (Shopping)” can be used for each transaction.
4. This e-Coupon can be used once only. If you wish to use this e-Coupon, please submit it to the Designated Participating Merchant within the validity period before making the relevant transaction. An expired e-Coupon will not be extended. This e-Coupon will be forfeited automatically upon used or expiry. Printed copies or screenshot images will not be accepted.
5. This e-Coupon cannot be altered, transferred, refunded, exchanged or redeemed for cash, recollected or resold.
6. The amount paid using this e-Coupon will be eligible for earning NF Points.
7. This e-Coupon can be used in conjunction with other promotion(s)/discount(s) offered by the Designated Participating Merchants or by Nan Fung Loyalty Program Limited and/or any of its group companies (“Nan Fung”), and shall be applied on the amount after all other promotion(s)/discount(s) have been applied.
8. This e-Coupon cannot be used to purchase a merchant’s gift voucher or similar items.
9. This e-Coupon is only valid for use at the Designated Participating Merchants and is subject to any further terms and conditions prescribed by the Designated Participating Merchants, the NF Touch Membership Programme Terms and Conditions (refer to “Settings”) and any other terms and conditions prescribed by Nan Fung.
10. The Designated Participating Merchant is responsible for the products/food/services purchased/discounted with this e-Coupon. Nan Fung gives no guarantee or warranty in relation to the products/food/services provided by the Designated Participating Merchant(s) and shall have no liability in the event of any loss or damage thereto. Members hereby expressly acknowledge that any products/food/services purchased from a Designated Participating Merchant with this e-Coupon are still a transaction between the member and the relevant Designated Participating Merchant(s) and that there is no contractual relationship between Nan Fung and the member in respect of the products/food/services. Any enquiries, suggestions, complaints or disputes relating to the products/food/services provided by Designated Participating Merchants should be directed to the relevant Designated Participating Merchant.
11. Nan Fung is entitled to deal with any e-Coupon at its absolute discretion at any time without prior notice or compensation.
12. Nan Fung reserves the right to void the e-Coupon(s) of any member who is considered as violating any law or any of the applicable terms and conditions or for any other reasons.
13. In case of dispute, Nan Fung reserves the right of final decision on all related matters.
14. The English version of these terms and conditions shall prevail wherever there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions.
15. These terms and conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of Hong Kong.

商舖名稱 Shop Name | 商舖電話 Shop Phone Number | 商舖位置 Shop Location | 備註 Remark |
小蜂兒 Bee.b Farm | 9881 0333 | G12 | |
Cozy Coffee | 2115 9929 | 117 | |
KAKAchevée | 202 | ||
kobane | 103 | ||
The uniek | 111 | ||
The Big Things Party | 6292 1808 | 204 | |
Tankyu Distillery 丹丘蒸留所 | 3460 2239 | 301 | |
LABELS Café + Bar | 3426 2668 | 306 |
1. 此電子優惠券有效使用期至2023年6月30日,逾期作廢。
2. 此電子優惠券只適用於列於NF Touch應用程式內之指定參與商戶 (「指定參與商戶」)。
3. 於南豐紗廠參與之指定商戶消費每滿 HK$100,即可使用「港幣$50元電子優惠券」一張;消費滿 HK$200,可使用 「港幣$50元電子優惠券」兩張,如此類推;每項交易最多可使用 10 張「港幣$50元電子優惠券」。
4. 此電子優惠券只可使用一次。如欲使用此電子優惠券,請於有效期內前往指定參與商戶,並於進行相關交易前提交此電子優惠券,逾期無效;此電子優惠券會於使用後或逾期後自動作廢,列印本或截圖圖片恕不接受。
5. 此電子優惠券不得更改、轉讓、退款、更換、兌換現金、補領或轉售。
6. 使用此電子優惠券支付的金額將合資格賺取 NF Point。
7. 此電子優惠券可與指定參與商戶、Nan Fung Loyalty Program Limited及/或其集團公司(「南豐」)提供之其他推廣/優惠同時使用於所有其他折扣使用後之金額扣減。
8. 此電子優惠劵不能用於購買商戶之購物禮劵或類似物品。
9. 此電子優惠券只適用於指定參與商户使用並受商戶所訂立之任何其他條款及細則、NF Touch南豐會員計劃條款及細則(於「設定」內查看)及南豐所訂立之其他 適用條款及細則約束。
10. 使用此電子優惠券購買的商品/食品/服務一概由指定參與商戶負責。南豐不會為指定參與商戶提供的商品/食品/服務作任何保證或承諾,更不須承擔任何責任。會員明白使用此電子優惠券向指定參與商戶購買任何商品/食品/服務仍屬會員與有關指定參與商戶之間的交易,與南豐並無合約關係。 如對指定參與商戶提供的商品/食品/服務有任何查詢、意見、投訴或爭議,請直接聯絡相關指定參與商戶。
11. 南豐對任何電子優惠券有絕對處置權,行使時無須給予任何事先通知或補償。
12. 南豐保留權力以觸犯法律或適用條款及細則中之任何條款或其他理由取消該會員的電子優惠券。
13. 如有任何爭議,南豐保留最終決定權。
14. 本條款及細則的中文及英文版本若有任何差異,一概以英文本為準。
15. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區的法律規管,並按照香港特別行政區的法律詮釋。
Terms and Conditions of the The Mills HK$50 e-coupon (F&B):
1. This e-Coupon is valid for use till June 30, 2023. Expired, coupons areinvalid and will not be entertained.
2. This e-Coupon is only applicable for use at the designated participating merchants listed in the NF Touch App (“Designated Participating Merchants”).
3. One“HK$50 e-coupon (F&B)”can be used upon every spending of HK$100 at the designated participating merchants at The Mills, two“HK$50 e-coupon (F&B)” upon every spending ofHK$200, and so on. Maximum 10pcs of“HK$50 e-coupon (F&B)n” can be used for each transaction.
4. This e-Coupon can be used once only. If you wish to use this e-Coupon, please submit it to the Designated Participating Merchant within the validity period before making the relevant transaction. An expired e-Coupon will not be extended. This e-Coupon will be forfeited automatically upon used or expiry. Printed copies or screenshot images will not be accepted.
5. This e-Coupon cannot be altered, transferred, refunded, exchanged or redeemed for cash, recollected or resold.
6. The amount paid using this e-Coupon will be eligible for earning NF Points.
7. This e-Coupon can be used in conjunction with other promotion(s)/discount(s) offered by the Designated Participating Merchants or by Nan Fung Loyalty Program Limited and/or any of its group companies (“Nan Fung”), and shall be applied on the amount after all other promotion(s)/discount(s) have been applied.
8. This e-Coupon cannot be used to purchase a merchant’s gift voucher or similar items.
9. This e-Coupon is only valid for use at the Designated Participating Merchants and is subject to any further terms and conditions prescribed by the Designated Participating Merchants, the NF Touch Membership Programme Terms and Conditions (refer to “Settings”) and any other terms and conditions prescribed by Nan Fung.
10. The Designated Participating Merchant is responsible for the products/food/services purchased/discounted with this e-Coupon. Nan Fung gives no guarantee or warranty in relation to the products/food/services provided by the Designated Participating Merchant(s) and shall have no liability in the event of any loss or damage thereto. Members hereby expressly acknowledge that any products/food/services purchased from a Designated Participating Merchant with this e-Coupon are still a transaction between the member and the relevant Designated Participating Merchant(s) and that there is no contractual relationship between Nan Fung and the member in respect of the products/food/services. Any enquiries, suggestions, complaints or disputes relating to the products/food/services provided by Designated Participating Merchants should be directed to the relevant Designated Participating Merchant.
11. Nan Fung is entitled to deal with any e-Coupon at its absolute discretion at any time without prior notice or compensation.
12. Nan Fung reserves the right to void the e-Coupon(s) of any member who is considered as violating any law or any of the applicable terms and conditions or for any other reasons.
13. In case of dispute, Nan Fung reserves the right of final decision on all related matters.
14. The English version of these terms and conditions shall prevail wherever there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions.
15. These terms and conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of Hong Kong.